Email Copy Spintax Example

Here's an article showing how your copy should look in your sending tool.


  • [ ] Send the video in the first follow-up within the same thread as the first email (same subject line)
  • [ ] Lots of Spintax
  • [ ] Sending the video as a GIF using {{thumbnailEmbed}} as the custom variable

See example outreach below (of course change the case study and name to ones relevant to your company)

Email 1 - With Spintax

{hello|hi|hey|Hey|Hi|Hello} {{first_name}},

{Do you have capacity for more clients this quarter?|Are you happy with the number of sales calls you booked last month?|did you book enough sales calls this month?|Are you booking enough sales calls?|Were you happy with how many meetings you booked last month?|Are you satisfied with how many meetings you book per day?|Were you satisfied with how many meetings you booked last month?|Are you at capacity this quarter or can you take on more clients?|Are you able to take on more clients this month?}

{The reason I ask is that|Reason I ask is that|Asking since|Just checking since|Thought I’d check since|Thought I’d ask since|Reaching out since|Just asking since} {I|we} help {niche} companies like [case study] to {increase revenue by|grow revenue by} {an average of|on average} {27|28|29|30} {grand|thousand|k} in {45 days|1.5 months}.

Our {proprietary|unique|in-house} video-{first|led} {outbound|sales} {system|process} {is optimised for|works so well for|is designed for|is perfect for} {niche} {because|since} you can effectively {show|highlight|demonstrate} your expertise via video - you {just|only} need to {film|record} {one|1} {short video|video} {then|and} we {sort out|handle|take care of} the rest.

{Are you interested?|Thoughts?|Worth exploring?|Worth a chat?|Are you open to exploring this?|Is this of interest?|At all worth considering?|Is this interesting to you?}

{Thanks|Speak soon|Best|Cheers}{-|,} {Ryane|Ryane, Founder @ Pitchlane|Ryane, Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder @ Pitchlane}

Email 2 - With Spintax

{| hey| Hey| Hi| hi| hello| Hello}} {firstName},

{ If I’m following up it’s only right that I use video too!| It only makes sense that I follow up with a video!| This is an example of how a video email shows up in the inbox:| If you aren't familiar with the concept of video emails, see below:| If you've not heard of video emails before, check out this video:}

{Press play|Click the thumbnail to play.|Press to play|Click to watch the video|Press play to watch}


{| Funny, right?| Would you have guessed that this was automated?| Did this do the trick?| Clever, right?| Did you see through it?| Not bad, right?| Is that your first time receiving a video email?| Pretty unique email, right?}

{Thanks|Speak soon|Best|Cheers}{-|,} {Ryane|Ryane, Founder @ Pitchlane|Ryane, Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder @ Pitchlane}

Email 3 - With Spintax

{W|w}hat {do|did} you {make|think} of my {on-camera|acting|camera} skills haha?

Email 4 - With Spintax

{hello|hi|hey|Hey|Hi|Hello} {{firstName}} - one of our {clients|customers} just {landed|pulled off|got} a [achievement] {using our strategy|by sending personalised videos|with personalised videos}

{h|H}e added 30k in revenue in less than {4|5}0 days


{i|I}s it {alright|ok} if I {send|share} the video interview {we|I} {recorded|did|filmed} with him?

Email 5 - With Spintax


Email 6 - With Spintax

{hello|hi|hey|Hey|Hi|Hello} {{firstName}},

you {got|received} {a few|a couple of|some} emails {detailing|explaining} how you could use my SaaS to {land|secure|book} more {meetings|sales calls} {with|by using|by including} video in your cold emails

{any reason you didn't reply?| did you get those?|what could I have done better to get a response from you?|was there any particular reason you didn't reply?|did something put you off?}

{Thanks|Best|Cheers}{-|,} {Ryane|Ryane, Founder @ Pitchlane|Ryane, Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder|Ryane, Co-Founder @ Pitchlane}

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