Deliverability Guidelines

“I’m worried about putting links to videos in my email because of deliverability”

Sound like you? It’s not an unreasonable thing to be worried about. Fortunately, Pitchlane is prepared. We use our own tool so we make sure it works fantastically. We have taken mitigative measures to ensure you can use Pitchlane without affecting deliverability at all. Not one bit.

Don’t rely on other people’s domain reputation

The magic is in where your videos are hosted. We allow you to choose where your videos are hosted.

Not all links are made equal - not in the eyes of spam software at least. If everyone had their videos hosted on the same domain, all it would take would be one person to mess up to get the domain where the videos are hosted to be flagged as spam. That’s why we allow you to host your videos on whichever of your domain you choose.

On top of that, if you are really concerned, we recommend that you put the video in the second email as a reply to the first email, that way, you are already in the inbox. On top of that, we recommend that you use spyntax to make every email unique. We’ve written up a thread on the best email copy to use that is optimised for video. Make sure to use spintax, see here for a guide.

Send Your Video In The Second Email

If you are really concerned about deliverability, send the video in the second email becasue that way, you are already in the inbox.

There are many different ways you can do this, which actually make your outreach more natural.

  1. Send your normal email script but without the video and then follow up the same day as if you accidentally didnt link the video. Use a follow up like this: “oops, I spent all that time recording and I forgot to attach the video haha! Here it is: {{video}}”
  2. As a first email:”Hey {{firstName}}, {{text}}. I even recorded a quick video about {{text}}.Is it okay if I link it here for you?”After that, send the video the next follow up or send it to them when they reply.
  3. Make your first email CTA based around ideas you have had from looking at their website without mentioning video. Something like: “I had a few ideas around what you could do to {{achieve X}} - mind if I share?}}.Then follow up with a video with something like: “Thought it would make more sense to share my ideas via video: {{video}}”

Warm your emails

If you don’t know about this - just do it by connecting as many domains as you want to Email warming is a necessity in most people’s eyes.

Use Spyntax

Spyntax allows you to make each email you send out unique. You can do this by giving your email automation softwares different options for each section of your email. For example, you’d start an email with either:

{{Hey | Hello | Hi}}

{{I just wanted to | I felt like I had to | I decided to}}

{{send you this video | record this video for you | reach out to you personally with this video}}

Your email automation software will choose one option at random for each section and this will make sure each email you send is unique. If your email automation software doesn’t do this, consider changing to or use excel to randomise your email copy.

DISCLAIMER: If you are using you need to do {{RANDOM | Hey | Hello | Hi}}

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